german shepherd doing rehab on balance board

Preparing for Your Visit

If you have never been here before, a referral is needed from your veterinarian or surgeon.  This can be faxed or brought in at the time of your appointment. We also request any radiographs taken by your veterinarian prior to starting therapy.  Radiographs may be sent via mail or brought with you at the time of the initial visit.

After an appointment is made, it is important to bring any medication or specific pet food that is needed for your pet. We encourage the continuation of any neutraceutical medication you give regularly at home. Bedding is not needed as we provide a soft, dry comfortable area for your pet. Feeding your pet prior to this appointment is fine unless radiographs are needed.

Map and Directions

Arrival Procedures

When you arrive at the LVMC, please check in at the small animal reception desk. If this is your first visit to the LVMC, you will need to fill out a questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is returned to the front desk, the receptionist will facilitate your appointment. Please note that if you are waiting longer than 15 minutes, you should check with the receptionist. A fourth-year veterinary student, veterinary technician or clinician will meet with you and your pet for the appointment. During the exam, you will be asked to review your pet’s medical history and current findings. If further diagnostics are needed prior to beginning therapy, they will be discussed at that time as well as an estimate for the recommended therapy.


All cases that are considered stable will stay in the rehabilitation ward. Currently, the ward is located adjacent to the rehabilitation room, providing ample visualization of the patients during the daytime hours. The ward is a relaxing environment for our patients. The runs and kennels are very spacious and our patients are on thick bedding to prevent pressure sores and reduce stiffness. The cost of hospitalization is included into the rehabilitation fee if they are housed in the rehab area.

If your patient is housed in a different area such as the Intensive Care Unit, the rehab fee is separate as the hospitalization fee is already charged through the ICU. If your pet requires medication or any treatment overnight, there will be a charge through the ICU to cover those services.
