
Farrier working on a forge with flames

Farrier Services
ISU’s farrier service provides routine trimming and shoeing as well as therapeutic shoeing.

Having a qualified farrier on staff provides a unique opportunity to have horses examined and treated by both our equine surgery team as well as a farrier who specializes in lameness. Having both professionals on site allows for collaboration and, when combined with cutting edge diagnostics, your equine companion is getting the best care possible. We also provide a service for referring veterinarians who do not have a farrier to assist them with the treatment of lameness. Additionally, our team works closely with local farriers whose clients have been referred to ISU. We will make sure to communicate our findings with your farrier and are always happy to advise when requested.

Services Provided

  • Toe crack repair
  • Quarter crack repair
  • Gait fault analysis, treatment, or consultation
  • Shoeing for acute or chronic laminitis
  • Shoeing in support of soft tissue injury
  • Shoeing in support of distal limb surgery and rehabilitation
  • Shoeing for poor quality hoof and sole/ hoof capsule integrity

Head of Farrier Services
Doug Russo is a Certified Journeyman Farrier (CJF) with the American Farriers Association (AFA). He is also the 18th American to achieve advanced certification with the Worshipful Company of Farriers in England (AWCF).

He is an AFA certification examiner, AFA approved pre-certification instructor, Chairman of the AFA research committee and President of the American Farriers Association Foundation. A sought-after clinician and speaker, he has spoken all over the US, Canada and Europe to farriers, veterinarians and horse owners. He has a passion for studying, researching and understanding equine anatomy as it pertains to farriery. He is a master in the forge and highly skilled at creating therapeutic shoes very specific to your horse’s injury, pathology, conformation and discipline. He uses a whole horse approach. With a thorough understanding of anatomy and conformation, Doug believes in shoeing proactively, providing proper mechanics to prolong your horse’s career.

Farrier Associate
Trish Powell is a Certified Farrier (CF) with the American Farriers Association and officer for the Iowa Professional Farriers Association. She is actively pursuing her journeyman certification, enjoys being part of ISU’s team and shares Doug’s passion for providing the best care for your horse.

Farrier instruction courses

LVMC Farrier Facebook Page

From https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vmc/equine/farrier