Your Veterinary Healthcare Team

Faculty veterinarian

A licensed veterinarian or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) sees clinical patients at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center. Most of our faculty veterinarians are board-certified.

Board-certified veterinary specialist

Specialists have completed an additional three to five years of training and have passed rigorous examinations to achieve certification, similar to physicians. Specialists bring a deep understanding of their field, and a knowledge of unusual or uncommon conditions in large or small animals.


Residents are licensed veterinarians that have already completed at least one internship and are now pursuing a rigorous 3-year program to become board-certified specialists. In addition to their intensive clinical work, our residents also participate in clinical research studies and didactic learning.


Interns are licensed veterinarians that are completing an additional year of intensive clinical training in a large referral center. During their internship, our interns rotate through various services in order to be solidly grounded in the various subspecialties of veterinary medicine.


Our licensed veterinary technicians (also called veterinary nurses) are veterinary health care professionals that have completed a 2 year training program from a veterinary technology school.


Under the direct guidance of faculty/clinicians, senior veterinary medical students assist with the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Each student is closely supervised by a veterinarian in order to ensure that the student receives proper training and to provide the best possible care to patients. Students do not engage in direct medical care of patients without explicit supervision by professional veterinary staff.