LVCM Client Newsletter

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Summer 2024

Champions of Care

champions of care graphic

As a former veterinary technician in the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center, Rachael Rail knows the level of care and compassion the clinicians, staff, and students provide in the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital and the Large Animal Hospital. “Champions of Care” celebrates and rewards excellence in veterinary care in the hospitals. “We wanted to recognize the extraordinary skill, compassion and care shown by the dedicated employees of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center,” said Rail, now a development officer for the College of Veterinary Medicine. “The nominations have uplifted the people in the hospital. I’m so happy to see their reactions when they get recognized. It confirms you are making a difference in someone’s lives.”

dog laying on sofa

Spectrum of Care

The level of care Murray, a nine-year-old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel received at the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital exceeded even Trent Wellman’s expectations. Wellman is Murray’s owner and a fundraiser for the College of Veterinary Medicine and he is knowledgeable about the hospital and its outstanding staff. But the consideration given to him and Murray stood out. When Dr. Stokes (attending veterinarian) was talking through the procedure, you could see that she was explaining it in a way I could understand,” Wellman said. “She also laid out all of the options for Murray’s care.”

This Issue’s Healthful Hintcanine examination in the emergency room

When you absolutely have to bring your companion animal for to the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital’s emergency services here are a few things you should know.

Compassionate Client Giving Program logo
The Compassionate Client Giving Program aims to actively engage with clients and friends to advance the mission of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center and the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University. We invite you to learn more about our existing services while also discovering how your charitable gift can have an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of our patients, faculty, staff, students, and the future of veterinary medicine.

Without the generous support from our clients and friends, we would not be able to deliver the outstanding services that our patients and their families have come to count on.

We look forward to celebrating the difference you can make by becoming one of our Compassionate Clients.