Cumulus Fund Make A Gift

Gifts to the Cumulus Fund support equine residents that demonstrate great promise towards advancing their skillset and knowledge with the goal of becoming board certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (large animal). These scholarship awards support research and the expenses associated with board certification.

John and Susan Aschenbrenner established the Cumulus Fund to ensure the very best training and educational opportunities are made available to ISU Equine Residents in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

John and Susan are passionate about advancing education, health and training related to equine medicine and surgery. They recognized the distinct need to assist ISU when their 3-year old saddlebred horse became ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center for over four months. CH Callaway’s Cumulus had a full recovery and went on to be a six time National Champion in the Country Pleasure Driving Division. John and Susan encourage others to do the support this fund, and join their vision to train and educate the very best equine veterinarians in equine medicine.
