Veterinary ophthalmologists are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular disorders in a variety of species. While dogs, cats, and horses are the main species that veterinary ophthalmologist see on a daily basis, they are trained to evaluate dozens of species ranging from birds to reptiles. Some of the more common diseases processes that our team addresses include corneal ulcers, retinal diseases, glaucoma, cataracts, ocular tumors, and eyelid disorders. Additionally, our ophthalmologists are highly trained in ocular surgery ranging from corneal and intraocular surgery (cataract surgery) to eyelid surgery. The Ophthalmology Service is staffed by trained professionals including three board-certified ophthalmologists, licensed veterinary technicians, and highly qualified support staff to give your pet the best possible care.

Pets affected by ophthalmic conditions can often have an acute onset, with some disorders requiring immediate attention (e.g., corneal ulcers, glaucoma) while others are more long-standing conditions (e.g., cataracts).  Our ophthalmology team can handle nearly all ophthalmic disorders and are happy to visit with you and/or your regular veterinarian about your pet.

Our Team

Rachel A Allbaugh, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVO*
Jesus Diaz Bujan, DVM, BSAVA, PgVertSA Opthal, MVetMed, Diplomate ECVO
Melissa A. Kubai, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVO*
*Board-Certified Specialist

Ophthalmology Service Details

Our Team

Ophthalmology team group photo
From left: Mona Hoerdemann, DVM; Chimene S Peterson, RVT; Sonja Tasia Ing, DVM; Michele Nigg, RVT; seated front center-Rachel Allbaugh, DVM; Melissa Kubai, DVM; Jesus Diaz Bujan, DVM and Bactelius Turicea, DVM.