From I–35

  1. Take exit 111B labeled “Hwy 30 West” off Interstate 35
  2. Travel west on Hwy 30
  3. Take exit 146 – labeled “University Blvd/ISU/Stadium”
  4. Drive a short distance north on University Blvd. to South 16th St. (second stoplight) turn right
  5. Continue to the “A” driveway

From U.S. Hwy 30

  1. Take exit 146 – labeled “University Blvd/ISU/Stadium”
  2. Drive a short distance north on University Blvd. to South 16th St. (second stoplight) turn right
  3. Continue to the “A” or “B” driveway

U.S. Hwy 69 – from North

  1. Go South on Hwy 69. This turns into Grand Ave. in Ames. Take this to Lincoln Way.
  2. Turn East (Left) on Lincoln Way and travel on this to Duff (Hwy 69 South)
  3. Turn South (Right) on Duff
  4. Travel South to S. 16th Street
  5. Turn West (Right) and enter on the “A” driveway

U.S. Hwy 69 – from South

  1.  Go North on 69. This turns into Duff in Ames
  2. Go North of Hwy 30. Turn West (Left) on S. 16th Street
  3. Continue to the “A” driveway


A. The east entrance, Entry A, is at the intersection of S. 16th and South Riverside Drive. This is the main entrance for the Small Animal Hospital, Large Animal Hospital, Field Services and for deliveries to the College of Veterinary Medicine. This drive proceeds south to the Large Animal and Small Animal Medical Center.

B. The west entrance, Entry B, is at the traffic light at the intersection of S. 16th and Christensen Drive. This is the main visitor entrance for the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Administration Offices, Alumni Room, Classrooms and Student Services.


  • Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center (small and large animal hospitals) please use 1809 S. Riverside Drive, Ames, Iowa
  • Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory please use 1850 Christensen Drive, Ames, Iowa
  • College of Veterinary Medicine please use 1800 Christensen Drive, Ames, Iowa


Ames Hotels