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To learn more about how to support this project, contact the CVM Development Team at 515-294-0867.

Providing Leading-Edge Care for Companion Animals

student with dog

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University: A Leader in Animal Care

SINCE IT WAS ESTABLISHED as the first public veterinary school in the nation, the College of Veterinary Medicine has been a frontrunner in veterinary education and research, and in providing outstanding animal health care services to the people of Iowa and beyond. The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center provides innovative clinical services to more than 25,000 cases a year from around the Midwest. The oncology service specifically sees approximately 5,000 cases a year and has treated patients from across the country and continent, including Montana, Washington state, California, New Mexico, and Manitoba, Canada.

The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center has had an especially personal impact for the increasing number of people who consider companion animals members of their families. As companion animal ownership grows, so does the need for veterinary care across all specialty areas. The Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital offers exceptional treatment in a comprehensive range of specialties — and now must meet a growing need for additional expertise in the field of oncology (cancer care).

The Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital provides a modern facility that plays a critical role in keeping the college at the forefront of veterinary care and research. When the facility opened in 2012, the college had a long-term plan to add a Pet Cancer Clinic that would provide comprehensive treatment capabilities and bring together the expertise of veterinarians with specialties in medical, radiation, and surgical oncology.

In 2017, the first phase of this effort — the addition of a facility offering stereotactic radiation therapy, or SRT, a vital component of integrated cancer treatment protocols — was completed. The college is now planning the next phase: the construction of a Pet Cancer Clinic that will enhance the hospital’s capacity to address the pet population’s much-needed and growing care needs.


Iowa State offers the only veterinary hospital in Iowa with board- certified medical and radiation oncologists to treat cancer in animals. With an estimated cost of $7 million and a location adjacent to the 2017 radiation therapy facility, the new Pet Cancer Clinic will provide a centralized, state-of-the-art facility for this care, and enhance clinical trial capabilities.

The project will renovate 3,640 square feet of interior space and include an addition of approximately 2,000 square feet to develop the Cancer Clinic, creating the ability to provide comprehensive, patient-centered treatment for a greater number of small pets with cancer, as well as facilitate the collaboration of oncologists with specialists in surgery, veterinary pathology, internal medicine, cardiology, and ophthalmology. In addition to providing more space for specialized oncology treatments and services, the new unit will have dedicated consultation spaces for oncology patients close to where they are being treated.

The Pet Cancer Clinic will also attract additional clinical specialists needed to treat patients, educate professional students, and train residents, building on Iowa State’s core group of oncology specialists. The unit will enhance the hospital’s ability to provide the same level of care offered in human medicine by allowing specialists to explore new treatment opportunities and continue making advancements in both human and veterinary oncology.

In addition to its teaching and service priorities, the unit will better position the college to compete for research funding, expand collaborations with institutions such as the University of Iowa’s Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, and efficiently execute clinical trials that bring national recognition to the college and university, ultimately contributing to the advancement of patient care at Iowa State and across the veterinary and human medical fields. The college’s professional students, interns, and residents will also benefit from increased opportunities for exposure to oncology cases and clinical research.

Dan Grooms portrait

“Our oncology team is building a program that is impacting the lives of pets and their owners daily. This facility will not only allow us to expand the outstanding care to patients with cancer, but it will also enhance our teaching and research missions, further elevating Iowa State University’s recognition as a leading college of veterinary medicine in the country.”

DAN GROOMS, Stephen G. Juelsgaard Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine

Cancer Center rendering

Donors to the Pet Cancer Clinic have a range of giving levels available to them, including opportunities to name a space within the unit, whether with one’s own name or in honor of a loved one or another individual whom donors wish to recognize, including:

  • A lead capital gift of $5 million enables the college to move forward with plans for the Pet Cancer Clinic and allows for pushing forward the construction timeline by easing the college’s financial obligation to get the project off the ground. A gift at this level would invite an opportunity for recognition through naming the facility that will house the unit to honor a person or even a beloved pet, becoming the first named specialty area in the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital.
  • A gift of $3 million allows for a recognition opportunity to name the lobby/client waiting room, a central space that will offer a welcoming and comfortable area for patients and their owners.
  • A gift of $2 million provides a naming opportunity for a key space in the facility, the radiation therapy department/suite area.
  • Other spaces within the facility, such as consultation/exam rooms, treatment rooms, and specialty areas, are also available at a range of gifting levels.

Learn More

To learn more about how to support this project, contact the CVM Development Team at 515-294-0867.

Technician preparing canine patient for treatment

Thank You

Please consider a gift in support of this transformational facility that will elevate Iowa State’s ability to provide the highest quality of patient care. Beyond enabling exceptional treatment and research while keeping Iowa State’s College of Veterinary Medicine competitive with other colleges, the new facility promises to play a critical role in saving or extending the lives of countless companion animals, and in doing so, forever touch the lives of their appreciative owners.

Gift Fee

A one-time administrative fee is applied to charitable contributions to help leverage current and future fundraising and stewardship for Iowa State University. The fee, which allows the Iowa State University Foundation to increase financial support for Iowa State students, faculty, programs, and facilities, is 5 percent with a graduated scale available on gifts larger than $10 million.