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Deeks J, Frampton G (Rapporteur), Glanville J, Greiner M, Higgins J, Lövei G, O’Connor AM, Pullin A, Rajić A and EFSA’s staff members Aiassa E, Amzal B, Verloo D, Afonso A, Dorne JL, Nienstedt KM. 2010.  Application of systematic review methodology to food and feed safety assessments to support decision making EFSA Guidance for those carrying out systematic reviews. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 8(6):1637 [90 pp.].  [View Publication]

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O’Connor AM, Auvermann, B, Bickett-Weddle D, Kirkhorn S, Sargeant JM, Ramirez A, Von Essen SG.  2010.  The Association between Proximity to Animal Feeding Operations and Community Health: A Systematic Review Evaluating the Evidence. PLoS One. 5(3):e9530.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, and consensus meeting participants: Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos J, Ward MP, Willis R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 93:11-18.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, and consensus meeting participants: Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos J, Ward MP, Willis R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 24:57-64.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos JN, Ward MP, Wills R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Journal of Food Protection 73(1):132-139.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans RB, Gray, JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos JN, Ward MP, Wills R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Zoonoses Public Health 57(2):95-104.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Ramirez A, et al.  2010.  The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Journal of Swine Health and Production 18(1):18-26.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM.  2010.  Reporting guidelines for primary research: Saying what you did (and doing what you said) Prev Vet Med 2010 Dec 1;97(3-4):144-9.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans, RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos JN, Ward MP, Wills R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. J Vet Intern Med. 24(1):57–64.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans, RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos JN, Ward MP, Wills R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. Prev Vet Med. 93(1):11-18.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Sargeant JM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME, Dewey CE, Dohoo IR, Evans, RB, Gray JT, Greiner M, Keefe G, Lefebvre SL, Morley PS, Ramirez A, Sischo W, Smith DR, Snedeker K, Sofos JN, Ward MP, Wills R. 2010. The REFLECT Statement: Methods and Processes of Creating Reporting Guidelines for Randomized Controlled Trials for Livestock and Food Safety. J Food Prot 73(1):132-9.  [View Publication]

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Sargeant JM, O’Connor AM, Renter DG, Kelton DF, Snedeker K, Wisener LV, Leonard EK, Guthrie, AD, Faires M.  2010.  Reporting of methodological features in observational studies of pre-harvest food safety. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2010 Nov 20.  [View Publication]

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O’Connor AM, Auvermann B, Bickett-Weddle D, Kirkhorn S, Sargeant JM, Ramirez A, Von Essen SG. The Association between Proximity to Animal Feeding Operations and Community Health: A Systematic Review Evaluating the Evidence. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9530.  [View Publication]

O’Connor AM, Wellman NG, Rice M, Funk L. Evaluating the Quality of Reporting Randomized Clinical Trials for Antibiotic Treatment of Bovine Respiratory Disease: 1970-2005. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010 Sep 15;237(6):701-5.  [View Publication]

Sargeant JM, O’Connor AM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence M. The REFLECT-LFS statement: Reporting guidelines for randomized Control Trials in Livestock and Food Safety: Explanation and Elaboration. Zoonoses and Public Health Mar;57(2):95-104.  [View Publication]

Sargeant JM, O’Connor AM, Gardner IA, Dickson JS, Torrence ME. The REFLECT statement: Reporting guidelines for randomized Control Trials in Livestock and Food Safety: Explanation and Elaboration. Journal of Food Protection Mar;76(3):579-603.  [View Publication]

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