Earn $50 by participating in a Classical Swine Fever (CSF) surveillance program.

A surveillance program directed specifically at detecting Classical Swine Fever is now in progress at Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ISU VDL). The ISU VDL is one of the 12 core laboratories in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN). The primary function of NAHLN labs is to participate in ongoing surveillance and response to foreign animal diseases and other events requiring an integrated laboratory effort of preparedness, controlled testing, and timely reporting. Federal funding for this program provides equipment and diagnostic reagents as well as support for technical positions and proficiency training of technicians. The ISU VDL has the in-house capability to test for Classical Swine Fever, High Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Exotic Newcastle Disease.

Diagnosticians at the ISU VDL will select suspect cases from routine submissions to the ISU VDL.  The criteria listed below will be used in case selection.

  • Case Definition (case selection criteria)
    • Septicemia (severe, acute)
    • Abortion (especially with congenital deformities)
    • Dermatitis or Nephritis (cases in which PDNS is a rule-out)
    • CNS disease without a definitive diagnosis (especially cases with non-suppurative encephalitis or congenital tremors)
    • Other undefined cases (pathologist discretion)
  • Samples for Submission
    • Tonsil (or tonsil scrapings)
    • Nasal swabs in Dulbecco’s Minimum Essential Media (DMEM)

We strongly encourage participation by our clients in this surveillance effort.

  • If you have clinical cases for submission that fit any of the above categories, please be sure to include tonsils and/or nasal swabs  (PCR tests are validated for these samples) from affected animals in addition to other tissues for routine diagnostic work-up. 
  • Cases that are primarily respiratory but also have evidence of septicemia, renal lesions or CNS signs are eligible for this program (again, submit tonsils or nasal swabs if possible).
  • Submissions of tonsil scrapings and/or nasal swabs from aborting animals along with the fetuses and placental tissues would also qualify for CSF testing.

A $50 incentive payment per case selected for testing will be granted which will be deducted from the charges assessed for the case. Thanks for helping us obtain sufficient samples to support his important surveillance program.

Rodger Main, DVM, PhD
Director of Operations
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Iowa State University
Ames, IA  50011

Guidelines for CSF Submissions

  1. Provide name, address, zip code, and phone number of submitting clinic.
  2. Provide full name of submitting veterinarian.
  3. Provide owner name, address and zip code for site/location of animals.
  4. Include tonsils and/or nasal swabs from affected animals in addition to any other tissues submitted for diagnostic work-up.
  5. Include tonsil scrapings and/or nasal swabs from aborting animals in addition to fetuses and placental tissues.
  6. A polyester swab (e.g., Dacron-tipped swab) should be used to collect nasal secretion.
  7. All samples should be submitted fresh on ice.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Kyoungjin Yoon at the ISU VDL 515-294-1950 with questions.

From https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdpam/research/disease-topics/swine/CSF