A recent American Veterinary Medical Association study found that less than 4% of veterinarians across the nation practice predominantly food animal medicine. The declining number of veterinarians supporting the food animal industry poses a significant food security threat.

The primary goal of Production Animal – Veterinary Early Acceptance Program (PA – VEAP) is to recruit and retain future veterinarians practicing food animal medicine, primarily in underserved areas. Undergraduate students (entering ISU directly from high school) will be identified after their second semester at ISU. Successful completion of the program will result in admission to the Iowa State’s College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), following review and approval by the CVM admissions committee.

PA – VEAP allows students with a demonstrated food animal interest the opportunity to:

  • Apply for guaranteed admission into Iowa State’s College of Veterinary Medicine upon successful completion of the program
  • Gain additional food animal production experience through mentorships, internships, and additional industry opportunities

chickens on farm Veterinarian examining calf Veterinary students examining swine

Applicants to the program must:

  • Be currently enrolled at Iowa State University majoring in Animal or Dairy Science through the Department of Animal Science.
  • Be currently enrolled in one of the following undergraduate certificates.*
    • Beef Cattle Production Management
    • Dairy Cattle Production Management
    • Poultry Production Management
    • Swine Production Management
  • Have completed (at ISU) or are currently enrolled in the following classes at ISU:
    • Principles of Biology I or II with lab (BIOL 211 and 211L or BIOL 212 and 212L; 4 credits)
    • General Chemistry I with lab (CHEM 177 and 177L; 5 credits)
  • Have earned a minimum GPA of 3.4 in classes completed at ISU

*Completion of certificate is required before enrollment into the ISU CVM 

How to Apply
The class will consist of undergraduate students completing their third semester post-high school (i.e. sophomores) to launch the program. Thereafter, undergraduate students (entering ISU directly from high school) will be identified after their second semester at ISU.

Applying to the PA – VEAP consists of the following steps:

  1. A cover letter detailing interest in production animal medicine and the PA – VEAP.
    • Include experiences with production animals, industry involvement, and career goals.
  2. Provide at least three letters (no more than six) of reference from individuals who can attest to applicant’s interests in food animal production, academic and professional potential, and likelihood to become a successful food animal veterinarian.
    • At least one letter, preference of two, must be from practicing veterinarians.
    • References must not be related to the applicant by blood, marriage, or partnership.
  3. Official transcripts
    • Must include current ISU transcript and transcripts from any institution with transfer credits.
  4. Current resume

Up to 10 applicants will be offered acceptance into the program.

Click HERE to apply

Completing PA – VEAP
Once enrolled in the program, students will be assigned a program mentor from the Department of Animal Science and a program advisor from the Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine (VDPAM).

Qualifying Criteria for ISU CVM Admission via PA – VEAP:

  • Complete all prerequisite courses for admission to the ISU CVM.
    • Complete a minimum of 30 credits/year with no lapse in enrollment (summer semester not included) while at ISU.
    • Earn a grade of C or higher in all courses required for ISU CVM admission (pre-vet requirements).
  • Maintain a 3.4 cumulative GPA throughout the program.
    • If cumulative GPA falls below 3.4, student will have one semester to raise GPA to 3.4.
    • Student will be dismissed from the program if cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 at any time.
  • Complete a 300 level or higher anatomy and physiology course or a similar course pre-approved by PA – VEAP mentor
    • Students are also highly encouraged to serve as a teaching assistant in ANS 214L (Domestic Animal Physiology Lab).
  • Complete a minimum of 300 hours of approved food animal experiences selected with the assistance of your program advisors.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science prior to enrolling in the ISU CVM; however, if a student is accepted into ISU CVM and begins their veterinary education prior to finishing a bachelor’s degree, they will work with the Associate Department Chair of Teaching in Animal Science to complete their bachelor’s degree in Animal Science/CALS while enrolled in the ISU CVM.

*Requirements subject to change

Contact Information

Email: paveap@iastate.edu 

From https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdpam/academics/production-animal-medicine-focus/production-animal-veterinary-early-acceptance-program-pa-veap