For coursework-based MSc degrees, a thesis is not required. Instead, students must complete 36 credits, with at least 19 credits from coursework and a minimum of 3 credits from a special topics course (VDPAM 5900). This special topics course involves one-on-one interaction with a graduate faculty member (usually the major professor), focusing on a topic related to Veterinary Preventive Medicine. The remaining credits come from research, where students create a novel creative component based on their chosen special topic.

Core courses (select all)

Course Description Credits Semester
VDPAM 5280 ON Principles of Epidemiology and Population Health 3 cr S
STAT 5870 ON* Statistical Methods for Research Workers 4 cr F, S, SS

Required advanced applied statistics courses (select at least 1 of 2 for non-thesis MS)

Course Description Credits Semester
VDPAM 5270 ON Applied Statistical Methods in Population Studies 3 cr Alt. F, Odd
VDPAM 5290 ON Epidemiological Methods in Population Research 3 cr Alt. F, Even

Required applied VDPAM courses (select at least 2 of 5)

Course Description Credits Semester
VDPAM 5600 ON Ecology of Infectious Disease 3 cr Alt. S, Odd
VDPAM 6500 or VDPAM 5620X Swine Diagnostic Medicine or Applied Diagnostic Technologies, respectively 4 cr and 3 cr F; Alt. F, Even, respectively
VDPAM 5640 ON Animal Welfare Science and Research 3 cr Alt. S, Even
VDPAM 5670X ON Design and Implementation of Field Trials 3 cr Alt. F, Odd

ON = available online. ON* = STAT 587 available online typically in Spring and Summer. S = Spring, SS = Summer, F = Fall.  Odd = offered in odd numbered years. Even = offered in even numbered years.

