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Both inguinal and umbilical hernias commonly occur in swine. Inguinal hernias are believed to be inherited polygenically. The overall incidence of hernias in a normal swine population is low unless matings to a boar that transmits inguinal hernias have occurred. Inguinal hernias can be bilateral or mono-lateral with most occurring on the left side. Protrusion of intestines through the inguinal canal often follows castration of pigs that unknowingly have an inguinal hernia. If left uncastrated, strangulation of the intestine within an inguinal hernia can occur but the most significant effect of the condition is the economic discount applied to the pig at time of slaughter.

Umbilical hernias occur in both sexes and tend to develop as a result of poor umbilical cord management, navel infection, or navel sucking by penmates; the condition is not thought to be inherited.
