Mycoplasma bovis
The ISU VDL is now offering a new diagnostic test (real-time PCR) to detect the genetic material of Mycoplasma bovis. Preferred samples are milk, bulk tank milk, lung, tracheal wash, bronchoalveolar lavage, joint and ear fluid, tonsil swabs and nasal swabs (as a last resort in the diagnosis of M. bovis disease).
Please contact the diagnostic laboratory for submission practices and samples for the most economical testing. When submitting samples that do not require histopathology, please be sure to clearly specify the PCR test.
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Testing and Research at Iowa State
For clinical trial support and development of innovative research opportunities, provision of expertise in interpretation and application of diagnostic tools, and consultation for intervention and follow-up testing options, Drs. Alex Rameriz, Tim Frana, and Phil Gauger are available to assist. Dr. David Baum, section leader in Serology and Joann Kinyon, section leader in Bacteriology, Matt Raymond, microbiologist, and Dr. Chris Minion, Mycoplasma expert and molecular microbiologist in VMPM are also integral members of this team.
- Serology – The Serology Section of the VDL currently performs M. hyopneumoniae ELISA and DAKO ELISA as regular tests.
- PCR – The Molecular Section of the VDL will continue to offer their current M. hyopneumoniae PCR as well as the assays previously performed in the Thacker laboratory.
- Culture and identification of Mycoplasma species from swine, cattle, dairy, small ruminants, poultry and companion animals will be conducted in the Bacteriology Section of the VDL.
- Lung inoculum for M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 will continue to be produced and provided upon request.
- Reagents previously offered through the Thacker lab such as monoclonal antibodies and components for the Tween 20 ELISA will continue to be produced and available for purchase through the VDL.
- Expertise concerning diagnostic investigations and test interpretation remains available.
- Research collaborations with partners from industry and academia are welcome and ongoing.
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae and Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae is common in swine herds and can be found in the nasal and pharyngeal secretions and lungs of healthy pigs. Stress or other predisposing factors can lead to systemic spread resulting in arthritis in pigs between the ages of 12-24 weeks with a morbidity of 1-50% within affected herds.
The optimal sample to submit is joint fluid. Joint swabs or joint tissue such as synovium are also acceptable. Samples should be transported chilled on ice but not frozen.
Mycoplasma hyorhinis is ubiquitous in swine herds and can be found in the lungs and nasal secretions of healthy pigs. But predisposing factors such as concurrent disease or stress can lead to septicemic spread resulting arthritis and serofibrinous to fibrinopurulent polyserositis. M. hyorhinis most commonly affects pigs between the ages of 3-10 weeks, but occasionally can affect young-adult swine.
Samples to submit from arthritis cases may be joint fluid (preferred), a joint swab or joint tissue. Polyserositis cases should submit serous exudates, swab or fibrin tag. Samples should be transported chilled on ice, but not frozen.
Submitting Samples