Transtracheal Wash (TTW) and Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) can be very useful tools in diagnosing respiratory problems in individual animals or herd outbreaks. They are not technically difficult to perform and are relatively non-invasive.
See the videos and PowerPoint presentation below for step-by-step instructions.
Video 1:
“Conducting a Transtracheal Wash (TTW)” Dr. Terry Engelken
Video 2:
“Conducting a Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL)” Dr Jim Thompson
Powerpoint presentation:
Antemortem Respiratory Diagnostics by Terry J. Engelken, DVM MS, Jim Thompson, DVM MS, Vicki Cooper, DVM PhD
Contact information:
Terry J. Engelken, 515-294-2192,
Vicki Cooper, 515-294-1950,