Dr. Suzanne Millman

Our program at the College of Veterinary Medicine helps veterinary students, practitioners and clients understand and respond to emerging animal welfare issues.  Animal welfare refers to an animal’s quality of life, and is increasingly a key component of veterinary medicine, animal care and the ethics of animal use. Techniques to measure animal welfare require multidisciplinary scientific approaches that address an animal’s mind, body and nature. Decision-making about animal welfare requires consideration of the science together with the societal aspects, such as ethical, legal, economic and cultural considerations. Our team is actively engaged in research, education and outreach programs to evaluate and refine animal husbandry and housing, animal welfare assessment and training of animal care personnel.

Dr. Suzanne Millman
Professor of Animal Welfare
Veterinary Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine
Phone:  515-294-2817
E-mail: smillman@iastate.edu

From https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/focus-areas/animal-welfare