The VDPAM Graduate programs are interdisciplinary with focus on the study of animal welfare, health and disease in populations. The diverse disciplines in the program are unified by a common approach based on the application of statistical methods to problem solving in populations.

VDPAM Graduate Programs provide valuable skills and experience to persons interested in pursuing a career in the areas of public health, food safety, emerging infectious diseases, zoo or wildlife health management, and livestock health and well being . Through research and coursework, students will learn to apply a variety of disciplines, principles, and techniques to complex population health problems involving environmental, ecological, nutritional, genetic, infectious and/or noninfectious components. VDPAM graduate degrees will be of particular value to individuals considering a future in the biological or pharmaceutical industries, public veterinary practice, military veterinary service, international service agencies, regulatory agencies, or any position with a responsibility for health in populations.

Program Options:
Dual Degree/ DVM & MS Certificate to Masters International at Iowa State International/Distance Masters to PhD Working & Student


(Please follow the directions on the portal linked & select “Veterinary Preventive Medicine” for MS program and “Population Sciences in Animal Health” for PhD program)


Contact Information
Chloe Petersen
Student Services Specialist II 
Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
2412 Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515.294.3837
