Feeding CTC to beef cows (publication date 2/2017)

Feeding CTC to feedlot cattle (publication date 1/2017)

Veterinary Feed Directive (publication date 8/2016)

Pink Eye in Beef Cattle Herds (publication date 9/2014)

Weak Calf Syndrome (publication date 9/2014)

Ergot Poisoning in Cattle (publication date 1/2014)

Trichomoniasis in Beef Cattle (publication date 1/2014)

Arthrogryposis Multiplex (aka Curly Calf Syndrome)

Calf Diarrhea

Vitamin A Deficiency in Beef Calves  (publication date 1/2014)

Heat Stress In Beef Cattle (publication date 9/2014)

Foot Rot in Beef Cattle (publication date 10/2009)

Dr. Grant Dewell
Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
Iowa State University
2201 Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center
1809 Riverside Drive
Ames, IA 50011-3619

Ph: 515-294-2822
Fax: 515-294-1072
Email: gdewell@iastate.edu

From https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/focus-areas/beef/beef-extension/educational-materials