Senecavirus A in Swine – Cases at Slaughter Plants
Over the past 10 days (July 8-17, 2016), there have been 12 cases of vesicular disease that have been discovered at 2 slaughter plants in the state of Iowa. All cases have tested negative for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), but 75% of them have tested positive for Senecavirus A (Seneca Valley Virus). In all cases, there was NO report of seeing clinical lesions at the site at the time of loading the market pigs, but the lesions and/or lameness were discovered during ante-mortem inspection by the USDA FSIS veterinarian.
This release is an awareness piece to be shared with veterinarians, pork producers, contract growers and employees that during the load out process to be looking for any combination of the following clinical signs:
- Vesicles (intact or ruptured) on the snout or in the oral mucosa (any muco-cutaneous junction)
- Figure 1
- May or may not be seen in association with lame pigs
- Acute lameness in a group of pigs.
- May see ulcerative lesions on or around the hoof wall. (Figure 2)
- May see redness or blanching around the coronary bands.
- May see eventual sloughing of the hoof wall.
- Anorexia, lethargy and/or febrile
- In the early course of the disease, fevers up to 105 degrees F have been reported.