Web Submission Fee Credit

The ISU VDL implemented (July 1, 2016) a Web Submission Fee Discount (currently, $10/case accession) in order to encourage clients to enhance the quality and consistency of their data.

Requirements to Qualify

1. Use of ISU VDL submission forms generated electronically from ISU VDL’s Client Web Portal

  • Livestock submissions – web or paper (EID)
  • Non-livestock submissions – web only

2. Inclusion of a valid, pre-populated premises identification number (PIN) on livestock submissions

  • PIN requirement for discount applies only to livestock submissions
  • PIN is automatically printed onto ISU VDL submission forms generated electronically (web or paper-based) from ISU VDL Client Web Portal.

3. Inclusion of state of origin (ie animal location state)

Best Practice Submission Discount

Effective May 1, 2017, the ISU VDL will be implementing a Best Practice Submission Discount in order to encourage clients to enhance the quality and consistency of samples coming into the laboratory. Qualifying submissions will receive a 10 % discount on all Molecular, Serology, BVD  ear notch IHC, & Salmonella enteritidis testing fees. The requirements for and cost savings associated with the “Best Submission Practices Discount” are contingent and additive to the “Web Submission Fee Credit”.

Best Practice Submission Guidelines

Requirements to Qualify

Case Submissions with Tissue (i.e., Requiring Diagnostic Pathology Evaluation)

  1. Web Submission form completely filled out and submitted electronically.
    • Inclusive of all of the above: Submitter, Clinic/Organization, Owner, Site, Premises Type, Reason for Test, Animal IDs, Age, Clinical Signs, Clinical History, Sample Type, Sample Inventory, Pooling Instructions, and General Guidance (e.g., Diagnostician Discretion or Specific Requests) Provided to Diagnostician
  2. Appropriate samples submitted to investigate primary diagnostic question being asked.
  3. Samples received in reasonable condition, preservation, and containment.

Requirements of Cases Submissions with NO Tissue: (i.e., Specific Diagnostic Test Requests Only)

  1. Web Submission form completely filled out and submitted electronically.
    • Submitter, Clinic/Organization, Owner, Site, Premises Type, Reason for Test, Sample Inventory, Sample Type, Animal IDs, Age (when biological specimens), Test Requests, & Pooling Instructions
  2. Consecutively numbered Sample IDs (1, 2, 3, .. nth) on sample containers.
    • Sample ID identifies the samples for laboratory purposes.
    • Sample ID needs to be noted on the sample containers.
      • Animal ID identifies the origin of sample for end user.
      • Animal ID needs to be noted on the Submission Form.
      • While the Animal ID can also be noted on the sample containers in addition to the Sample ID, this is not necessary for laboratory purposes.
  3. Case submissions with > 10 tubes need to be submitted in boxes with internal racks that keep consecutively numbered tubes in order.  Cases with > 10 swabs need to be banded/grouped/bagged in groups of ≤ 10 consecutively numbered swabs.
  4. Serum, Blood, Blood Swabs, Oral Fluids, Feces, Bovine Ear Notches for IHC testing, and Poultry Salmonella Environmental Samples need to be submitted in best practice sample containers.
    • Serum
      • 5 ml polystyrene snap-cap tubes (*Preferred)
      • Serum separator tubes (Swine, Bovine, Equine)
      • Serum tubes (All other species not listed above)
      • Note: Screw-top cryovials do not qualify
    • Whole Blood​​
      • EDTA, Heparin,  Sodium Citrate
    • Blood Swabs
      • 5 ml polystyrene snap-cap tubes
      • Micro-centrifuge tubes
    • Oral Fluids
      • 5 ml polystyrene snap-cap tubes (*Preferred)
      • Conical tubes
      • Note: Screw-top cryovials do not qualify
    • Feces
      • Fecal Swab = Any type of swab
      • Conical tubes (e.g., for Johnes PCR or Parasitology)
      • Note: Cups, jars, gloves, bags, and screw-top cryovials do not qualify
    • Ear Notches (BVD-screening)
      • Red Top (Rubber Stopper) Tubes
      • 5 ml polystyrene snap-cap tubes
      • Note: Cups, jars, gloves, and bags do not qualify
    • Poultry Salmonella Environmental Testing
      • Whirl-pak bags – Environmental, Chick Papers, or DOA
    • Avian Influenza
      • 5 ml polystyrene snap-cap tubes
      • BHI tubes (glass)
  5. Serum samples have been initially processed prior to receipt at VDL.
    • Serum in polystyrene snap-cap tubes
    • Serum separator tubes that have been already centrifuged/spun-down.
  6. Samples received in reasonable condition, preservation, and containment.