Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

The Department of Biomedical Sciences 1-year, non-thesis Master of Science program prepares students for professional schools (veterinary, medical, dental, etc.), careers in academia, research, or biotech (pharmaceutical and healthcare) industries. The core curriculum includes 30 credit hours of graduate-level coursework focusing on the study of both human and animal sciences. This program is designed to expand upon undergraduate coursework in the science fields. The entire curriculum is designed to be completed in just 9 months, beginning in the fall semester and ending with a final oral examination of the creative component in the spring semester.

Your Pathway to Opportunities

  • Build a more competitive resume for entrance into professional school
  • Increase career possibilities with a graduate degree
  • Complement your skillset with essential laboratory techniques
  • Obtain necessary credentials to teach in higher education
  • Minimize the cost of graduate school by completing in one year
One-Year Master's Alumni who are becoming Doctors at Des Moines University, pictured is the White Coat Ceremony
Pictured: Five BMS Master’s Program Alumni receiving their White Coats at the Des Moines University White Coat Ceremony in Fall 2019, all five began the DO program at DMU in Fall 2019. (From L to R: Jacob Frisbie ’18, Hannah Gustafson ’19, Jessica Salpor ’18, Sam Thomson ’18, Ben Isaac ’19)